Friday, June 28, 2013

Independent Maiden

This is a quote from the book I just finished. I absolutely adored the book. (Seriously. Everyone should read it!)
"There are no more battles between good and evil, no monsters to slay, no maidens in need of rescue. Most maidens are perfectly capable of rescuing themselves in my experience, at least the ones worth something"
--The Night Circus, Erin Morgenstern
But... what if I still want to be rescued? Or at least have a prince come and give me some lovin' while I rescue myself. 

I'm not sure I'm okay with this whole independent maiden thing.


Needing a Prince

Saturday, April 20, 2013


I'm a graduate!
I'm done with nursing! (!!!!)
I should technically be done with college.
But... I decided I wanted to go to Mexico.
And here is my rambling explanation, because it keeps confusing people.
I'm finished with all my nursing classes, and had totally planned to graduate fully this semester and start working in some dream job with a dream apartment and have the dream life. Then this amazing opportunity came up to do a short study abroad with BYU-I in Meso-America and after weeks of over-thinking, analyzing, wishing, worrying, planning and anxiety, I was convinced to apply. And I got in. Yay! So that changed plans around. And then plans changed again when I decided I didn't want to be in Utah this summer. So I started looking around: Boston, Denver, Raleigh, Mesa, Seattle, etc and I decided on Austin, Texas. I started applications and planned on doing that immediately after Mexico. And then a boy came along. I got super busy in school. And I stopped thinking Austin and decided I wanted to stay in Rexburg for the summer. Plans were planned. I realized I really needed a break. I was burnt out of life. Plans hit kinks in the road. Boy left. Plans were finalized. In order to stay in Rexburg, and stay in my amazing ward, and take a class for Mexico, I had to post-pone my technical graduation date until July, but I could still walk in April. And my family came up to help me celebrate. So I'm in Rexburg until Mexico, then I'll be coming back and (hopefully) working for the summer. And then I'll go somewhere in the Fall. Unless I decide to go sooner. Where? I'm not really sure on that part. We'll see. Family vs. Adventure is the battle. 

And so here are some lovely little pictures :)

Me and my parents

 Me and mels

Me and my Grandma Christine

Steph, Mandy and Jose

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Nursing Inspiration

I had such a neat experience tonight. And I need to share it.
So my friend’s family called me tonight at 11. They have a friend (who I know) who was at their house that night and is ready to deliver. They called because she hadn’t felt the baby move for a couple of hours and was getting really worried. So they wanted me over to see if I could help her and find a heartbeat.
When I got over there, I had her lay down so I could find where the baby was and so I could have a better chance of finding the heartbeat. And after a little bit of looking for it (I’m sure it felt way longer than that to the mommy) I found a heartbeat! So I let the mom and her family listen, and you could feel the relief in the room.
I was so touched they trusted me enough to call me and have me help them. And it was definitely such a huge reminder to me of my love of nursing, and how grateful I am I have the knowledge to help others.
I’m so thankful I have had the opportunities I’ve had and the love I have for nursing and helping others. Ah! I can’t wait to have more opportunities like this. It’s the greatest feeling to be able to help someone with something they can’t do for themselves. 

--Nurse Megan, RN
--Future Midwife
--Baby Helper

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The Last Night.

Sometimes… You finish finals and actually have time to have fun.

Sometimes… we just don’t want to go home.

Sometimes… you realize that home is painfully split into 2 places.

Sometimes… we stay in Rexburg an extra night after everyone else has left.  

Sometimes… you realize how blessed you are to have met these girls, and have them as your friends.

Sometimes… you have to live without them for 3 weeks and you doubt your ability to survive.

Sometimes… you can’t wait to go back to Rexburg.

Sometimes… the next semester doesn’t sound too bad.

Sometimes… your best friend gets the amazing opportunity to serve a mission.

Sometimes… the last night is the best night. 

Sometimes... It's almost 1 in the morning and you're feeling nostalgic, and you're missing your friends so you write a blog post.


Thursday, December 6, 2012

Emotional Stability

I feel like I'm normally a pretty emotionally stable person.

Until I watch The Office reruns.

Then the tears/crying/laughing/screaming/jumping ensues. 

I love Jim and Pam. 
And Michael. 
And Dwight.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Studying ;) ;)

At the David O' McKay library. Studying our lives away. Starving. Thirsty for knowledge. And men. 

(Turn up your volume. We're whispering cause we're studying)

-Book Caterpillars soon to be butterflies!

Episode 5ish of Why Are We Not On A Date.

Thursday, October 11, 2012


a state of little or no change following a period of activity or progress

I was at lunch yesterday with one of my best friends and we were discussing our lives, future plans and past endeavors. And while we both tried to be positive and explain what we were both feeling, and what some of those around us who we are close to were also feeling, she hit on it. We're both stuck, waiting, on a flat part of life, on a plateau. We're between relationships, just chugging along in school, and although they made this new announcement of the change in missionary age for LDS girls, we were are both close enough to 21 that although this is a change, it wasn't like it changed that much for us. So we discussed this plateau we're on, and discussed how sooner or later, it's going to change, but we just were bored with this pause. And then we discussed what could bring about the change and new experiences we're craving, and how we'd miss this time that we had freedom and choices where our worlds revolved around us. 
So we made a promise.
We're going to enjoy this plateau. 
And make the most of this time. And enjoy being single. And enjoy looking ahead to decisions. And dreaming. And have fun. And make this plateau something we remember fondly, rather than wishing we had done more. So we'll enjoy this time of not being a child anymore, and not quite being thrown into the adult world quite yet, and having our little BYU-I bubble.